• Reset

Ann Ig 2021; 33(2): 198-200. doi: 10.7416/ai.2020.2392. Epub ahead of print 2020 Dec 3.

Epidemiology of emergency calls for time-dependent acute illnesses during COVID-19 outbreak in Umbria region (Italy)

F. Paciullo1, D. Giannandrea2, V. Gianfredi3, F. Borgognoni1, P. Verdecchia4, P.D. L’Angiocola5, M. Monti1 1

1 Emergency Department USL Assisi Hospital, USL UMBRIA1, Italy
2 Neurology Department, Stroke Unit, Gubbio-Gualdo Tadino and Città di Castello Hospitals, USL Umbria 1, Perugia, Italy
3 School of Medicine, Vita-Salute San Raffaele University, Milan, Italy
4 Fondazione Umbra Cuore e Ipertensione, Perugia, Italy
5 Department of Cardiology, San Giovanni di Dio Hospital, Gorizia – ASUGI, Italy 

ABSTRACT The recent literature reported an inverse correlation between COVID-19 pandemic and hospital admissions for Acute Coronary Syndromes (ACS)